The American show, Glee, is a very popular series that stars on Fox. In the current season, there have been quite a few run-ins with the topic of bullying. More specifically, bullying targeted at the gay community. One of the main characters, Kurt Hummel, goes through the journey of finding out who he is, and eventually discovers that he is homosexual. He has a rough time letting his dad know, but at this point in the show, he and his father are closer than ever, and he has no need to be uncomfortable around the family anymore or hide who he is. What is still a problem, however, is the bullying from a homophobic football player named Karofsky. He is the reason that Kurt changes schools, and leaves the McKinley high school glee club, New Directions. Kurt’s new school is an all-boys private school, Dalton Academy. Unfortunately, it seems as though Kurt will be with them for quite a while, at least until McKinley buckles down on their bullying policy, or as it is becoming seemingly more possible every episode, Karofsky realizes his inner demons and apologizes to Kurt for everything. 

          Even so, the show continues to deal with the struggles those with homosexuality deal with. It has become quite obvious that Karofsky, the high and mighty football player who claims to be “macho,” is hiding a rather bulbous secret. The truth seeps out a little more each episode, and there is even buzz in the online threads that he will be  singing Lady Gaga’s latest single, “Born This Way” as he professes his new-found sexuality.   A snipet of the song’s lyrics are, “Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you’re set, I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way.”

          I have attached a link below for you to enjoy. Now, I’m not 100% percent certain that this will happen, but if it does, and as soon as it does, i will be sure to post a video and new entry for you guys.  Enjoy!

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    I've seen far too many people I love and care about bullied and abused because of their lifestyle. Why would someone choose a life where they would be degraded and looked-down upon daily by the majority of our nation? It's not a choice, it's a fact. I dedicate this blog to them. 


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