I think we underestimate the messages that child movies can portray. I know that this is not the most recent movie, considering it was made 1995, however, I feel that the message that it sends is timeless. Pocahontas is a Disney movie that I grew up with. The thing that I believe makes it a commonplace is the fact that with practically any Disney movie, when with a group of people, if one person begins to sing part of a song, such as “Colors Of The Wind” from Pocahontas, nine times out of ten, someone in the group will start singing that song with you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve experience this. It’s quite a fascinating phenomenon. Most everyone has seen the popular Disney movies, such as Mulan, Pocahontas, The Little Mermaid, Hercules, etc.

          “You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you’ll find things you never knew you never knew. ”

          These are lyrics from the song I mentioned before, “Colors Of The Wind.” I’ve also attached the link to the song, in case you aren’t familiar with it. When putting children in front of screen sending messages as powerful as this, it’s no wonder that children have a tendency to see the good in people. If only those adults putting these films on the television for these children would take a second and listen.

          There’s a quote I’m very fond of. “Ask a child for advice. They may not know much, but they know what is important.”  I’m pretty sure I found it on a random website a long time ago, but its message has stuck with me.  Adults have a habit of letting simple things get too complicated, and ending up with hatred in their hearts.

I think everyone needs to go back and visit their childhood at least once a year for a reality check. It may seem as though things have gotten overly complicated, and nothing but negative images fill the world, but if we take that second to look at things from a child’s point of view, we will see that it isn’t the world that has changed, it’s our faith in it, and it is up to us to get that faith back. 

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    I've seen far too many people I love and care about bullied and abused because of their lifestyle. Why would someone choose a life where they would be degraded and looked-down upon daily by the majority of our nation? It's not a choice, it's a fact. I dedicate this blog to them. 


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