Incase you aren’t already aware, in September of 2010, just last year, five American students - ages ranging from 13 to 18- committed suicide. Why? Because they were all gay, and couldn’t face the pressure or the bullies anymore. They had all had their spirits torn down, and had eventually reached the point where they felt as though things were never going to get better and that suicide was the best possible option. Unfortunately, these teenagers are never going to be given their lives back. They are never going to get to see that day when they become happy again, and they realize that it DOES get better.

          Since this unfortunate series of events, a project had been started called the It Gets Better Project. Started by a simple video by Dan Savage and a friend in efforts to let the gay community that things do get better, eventually the simple video turned into a full-blown project aimed at getting people world-wide to contribute youtube videos dedicated to the LGBT community, letting them know that it does get better and that they are alone. The idea is that hopefully having a site filled with people selfless enough to take the time to make these videos in honor of the LGBT community will prevent the death of a human beings in the future, and remind them that people out there do care, and that life is worth hanging on to. 

          The mission statement is states at the top of the site, “Many LGBT youth can't picture what their lives might be like as openly gay adults. They can't imagine a future for themselves. So let's show them what our lives are like, let's show them what the future may hold in store for them.” And this site does exactly that. It offers a diverse group of people all aimed at one goal, reminding people that IT DOES GET BETTER.

          I cannot express with words how much I respect this website, and I would be lying if I said that some of the videos I watched nearly brought tears to my eyes. This is what humanity is about. Compassion. Love. Acceptance.

Site Referenced: 
          Not too long ago, a controversy was brought up regarding a recent J.Crew catalogue. Of course there were models within the catalogue, as there are with most, however there was one picture that seemed to spark quite the debate.

          Jenna Llyons is in the picture with her son, and the label reads, “Lucky for me I ended up with a boy whose favorite color is pink,” reads the caption. “Toenail painting is so much more fun in neon.”

          What do you think happened? You guessed it. “Traditional” psychologists and bloggers took it as a an early sign of teaching the little boy that pink is good, and eventually to lead to the idea that liking men is just the same. Another name for this is the Slippery Slope logical fallacy, in which people take a simple thing and exploit it to the idea that eventually that one little thing will be to blame for a major, unrelated effect. In this situation, a boy who is allowed to paint his nails pink is going to become gay because of this.

           If you ask me, teaching this little boy that painting his nails is okay teaches him individuality. It teaches him that it is okay to be different, and that he should embrace his interests and be proud of them. Not everything has to be taken so seriously. I actually respect Jenna Llyons for her boldness with the topic and for sticking by her actions when ridiculous assumptions and conclusions were drawn.

          My male cousin that I grew up with actually favored the color pink throughout his childhood. And yet to this day, he is one of the most “macho” guys that I know, and is deeply in love with his girlfriend. He is also one of the strongest people that I know, and doesn’t let anyone tell him he isn’t good enough. I respect him for it.

What I am trying to get across, is the point that while the reaction to this catalogue isn’t surprising, it is absolutely ridiculous, and if anything, this mother should be praised for her early teachings to her son that individuality is a right and nothing to be ashamed of. 

Site in reference:

          I drove by a house on North Carroll Boulevard next to UNT’s campus a few days ago, and couldn’t help but spot a lovely protest-like sign in someone’s yard. I had been told that a house in the area had a habit of placing controversial signs outside of their yard, but I wasn’t sure that I believed it. Apparently these people sometimes even have blatantly racist and homophobic signs up. They fluctuate so as to not get too boring, and to keep drawing attention. On the sign in the picture, they state “Liberalism: The Party of No—No God; No Truth; No Rules; No Responsibility.” It appears as though there is more written on the sign, but just from what we can see, I believe says plenty.

            Within the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution lies the Freedom of Speech Clause, permitting behaviors such as this. In the word “liberalism” is defined in the English Oxford Dictionary  as, “ Support for or advocacy of individual rights, civil liberties, and reform tending towards individual freedom, democracy, or social equality; liberal left-wing political views and policies; a political and social philosophy based on these principles.”

          One might argue that the definition placed up by this bold family is just the opposite of the truth. Others might argue that they are 100% accurate. I happen to be one of the people who believe these things are completely untrue. First of all, just because someone believes in a freedom of individual liberties, does not necessarily mean that they do not believe in God. Even so, bringing God into a situation is always going to cause some controversy due to the differences in opinion of people and their personal beliefs.

          Another thing stated on the sign was, “no truth.” If anything, I would argue that liberals promote nothing but truth. The entire point of liberalism is to look at situations from an honest point of view without judgment, and accept morality and ethics. I would say that this “rule of ethics and morale” directly conflicts with the argument the sign states, “No rules.”

          This leads into the last visible statement printed on the sign, “No responsibility.” When we think about it, liberalism takes on much more responsibility than one can imagine. Citizens taking it upon themselves to make a change, and be responsible about the decisions they make and the prejudices they hold. In regards to gay rights, most liberals are pro. This is because they take on that responsibility to get a message out that being gay is alright – I feel it is especially tactful and responsible for those who, like myself, are heterosexual themselves. That responsibility is being taken upon ourselves to help others, even though certain matters dealt with won’t directly affect us. I would argue that perhaps being liberal makes a person even more responsible than being overly conservative.

          One more thing, with all of the strict rules that Conservatism holds, wouldn’t it make more sense to see a sign that said, “Conservatism—Party of No” ? Just a thought.

          Basically, I decided to take this picture and write about it because I wanted to show the close-mindedness that some people hold, and also show the impact that a simple sign outside of a house can hold. I realize that the sign doesn’t necessarily attack anyone, but if those racist and homophobic signs that I’ve heard about do exist, this just shows the extent to which people will go to voice their opinions – some more hurtful than others.

          If a simple sign such as this one can cause so much ruckus and controversy, the same thing can be done with anyone, and there’s a point where you just have to take a step back and look at the whole situation. Take a second to think about what your actions have on people, be they hate crimes, finger-pointing, or even just posting a hateful comment under a liberal article that you don’t agree with.  There’s a responsible way to approach a situation, and this family simply doesn’t seem to understand that. 

    I've seen far too many people I love and care about bullied and abused because of their lifestyle. Why would someone choose a life where they would be degraded and looked-down upon daily by the majority of our nation? It's not a choice, it's a fact. I dedicate this blog to them. 


    May 2011
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